Why Boxer dog's die young

Last year when we got Jake I did a lot of reading as far as dog food goes. We fed our last Sheltie cooked hamburger with peas, carrots and cauliflower mixed in but the wife was sick of the weekly batch cooking (2 lbs. hamburger/week) so had to do some research on dried dog food. Oh yea, we actually had to take Canadian bought ground beef with us to Idaho for holidays cuss Sam wouldn't eat the American bought ground beef. I suspect it was because of the use of corn as feed in the US whereas up here (western Can) most of the feed is barley. Anyway after much reading I was left with the knowledge that most dog food manufactorers are selling "crap", ya you heard me right "CRAP" to feed our dogs. I'm sure that they sweep up the floors and throw it in the big bin to be ground up the next shift. There are very few regulations that pet food manufactorers have to adhere to so be very careful in your choice. Some of the main things to look out for is the word "byproduct" like chicken byproduct. That could mean anything including feathers and claws (at least whatever feathers are left after McDonalds buys its share:-D) whereas the word meal, chicken meal is good. Most of the manufactorers use tons of corn and wheat and gluton as fill, dogs cannot digest corn and gluton is just nasty and can cause alergic reactions like dry skin. We all know how large the corn lobby is in all of north america I just wish they'd keep their crap out of our pet food.
This is what I use and is sold all over north america and doesn't contain any of the aformentioned "crap", it is also high in protein (29-33%) which may be to high for some dogs so cut it with vegetables. It's also manufactored in Saskatchewan so it's got to be good eh and Jake seems to like it. http://www.championpetfoods.com/acana/products.php
