Old v new, which is better?

On the wife thing, my used to do the same thing about the car thing until I explained it like this... Some husbands go out with the guys to bars, some have affairs, some do drugs, some sit on the couch all day and watch sports, some beat their wifes and some work on cars at home in the garage... which husband do you want me to be? Because a man has to have an outlet to unwind.

It was an easy answer for her.

We just celebrated our 22 anniversary.

Oh, so to answer your question keep them both I have at least on Mopar product from every decade from the 50's to 00's (but one lady)

Include her in your hobby even if she says she doesn't want to. Let her pick which car she wants for "hers". My wife has about half our cars in her name. She thinks it's pretty cool, it gives her a sense of "ownership". As a matter of fact my race car is hers and I am just the driver so when we go to the track and we do well she tells the people in the stands that is her car and I am just the hired gun so to speak. It gives them the pride thing like when you see you son or daugher do well at a school even. A human needs to brag a little. Women have egos just as much if not more than men.

Bottom line is, eveything in life including cars is more enjoyable if you can share it with someone, If that wasn't true we wouldn't be here on this site.
