neutral safety switch

Jim is correct in all cases. I've been doing trans. work on torqueflites since 1981 and never seen a 2 prong switch on a 727. Only the single prong was used through either 68 or 69 then they switched to the 3 prong unit. The Correct one does have to be used also to match the rooster comb of the shifter mechanism so hopefully he put the right one in. If not it may not engage properly. Adam is also correct about the wiring. just run a wire from the center pin to your relay and that's all that's needed. The single prong connector is only available from resto shops nowadays and it's very expensive (usually like $75-80) so I use the 3 prong unit and do what I mentioned above.

Boy it's amazing that shop did that to your car. Sounds like their some boneheads that haven't heard the word liability. If you talk to them again you might ask them what they'd think could happen if someone started it in gear and someone was in front of the car. Can we say lawsuit time!!!