Little stuff that can piss you off....

I hate setting something down and not remembering where you set it. I will end up swearing up a storm and throwing crap everywhere till I find it.

That's known as OFMS (Old farts memory syndrome). Got the same problem here cept I don't swear or throw stuff anymore. Too hard to find it again with my OFBES (old farts bad eyes syndrome) LOL

People that park in a handicap stall with no permit even if it's for a couple seconds. :thebirdm: I have zero qualms about approaching said lazy pos' either. I'll continue to take pix of their rides (license plates) & turn them in.

People that think I should want to do this or that or act a certain way simply because of my disability. Dude, you don't have a flippin' clue what it's like to push yourself around in a 'chair so don't even assume for me anything. This prolly bothers me more than anything else.

That is high on my list too. My mother-in-law is in a wheelchair and we have went to wal-mart before only to see all the handicapped spaces taken up and a lot of the times you see some cars in the handicapped spots have no handicapped designation sticker or plates.

I hate when I place things in one spot, and then 5 minutes later I can't find whatever I'm looking for. I think I have a problem where my mind has a 1000 completely different thoughts going on all at once. Everyday. I swear I'll be working on one thing, and then doing something completely unrelated. I loose lots of stuff.......

Another case of OFMS.. LOL