318 Overheating...Help!!

Hi Guys! Wow what a turn out..:-D

Well here is the answer to the questions

I have an auto meter electric gauge that says it runs hot.

The temp shows its hot all the time.

I have a 16 inch 2100 cfm electric fan with no shroud. When I thought the fan was the problem I switched it with a 3000 cfm fan and got the same results.

As far as it being tuned correctly... forgive me but I dont know how to check that... newbie motorhead

I have a 195 thermostat that is opening properly

Ive bypassed the heater core and looped it from the water pump to the intake... not sure if this is a smart thing.

Ive got aluminum flex radiator hoses... not rubber.. cant collapse

DusterDude72.... thanks for the advise.. I ordered an infared thermometer this morning... cheaper than an auto meter gauge set.

Im going to check my carb and see if thats the issue.. now the only problem is finding a good carb guy..

Thanks again guys... I really appreciate all the info.