Really Yellow Dart

you know after looking at alot of car mopar did paint alot of there cars yellow . wow i just did not know that color was so in back in the day. i have always seen reds blues greens . but this color has really got my eye now. it is going to look really good when i am done with it ..

My last 71 dart was blue w/ a white strip on it and it looked great it think.. and thats all i wanted was one more just like it .( i sold it) and now some 10 year later the yellow car is now what i am looking forward to. WOW ............... LOL

Pic of my old 71 Dart 340. My son was about 6 or 7 in that pic now he is in high school WOW .big kid now 169 lb an 5'10 and he is only 15