People and their over priced Mopars!

Yes , Barren-Jackass really ruined our HOBBY by bringing-out -- what I call -- 'The Corvette Crowd' .
All of a sudden , anything with a Roadrunner [ sic ] character on it is worth a billion dollars ( even if it's not MoPar-related ! ) !

Certainly , the increased interest and value of our beloved MoPars has been the proverbial double-edged sword :
-On the one side , there's been A LOT of reproduction parts being released ; no more junk yard scrounging and swap meet 'snipe' hunting ;
- On the other side , the prices of ANY MoPar are inflated , even for complete piles which need everything refurbished .

The rarity of a 400 Magnum-powered '74 Charger is questionable . Of course 21st Octobre 1973 changed things drastically ( e.g. , the first gas crunch ) ; so , if the car was built prior to this infamous date , then I don't think it's all that rare . If it was ordered / purchased on or after this date , then it's much more 'rare' .
I don't know how many of them were built ; but I do know that the '74 models aren't nearly as desirable as a '71 / '72 .
Then there's the question of : how many survived in the prior to Barren-Jackass days ?

The worst , most rediculous price I've ever seen for a car which needed EVERYTHING refurbished / replaced / rebuilt :
1973 Chevelle SS 454 / 4 speed .
Granted , this is one truly rare car ( '73 454 Chevelles are rare in and of themselves , then add the factory 4 speed into the mix , and the number is something like 200
made ! ) , and would be an interesting and fun ride , but the owner's asking price was -- get this -- $16,000 !!!!! That's right , sixteen thousand !!
I told her to knock that last zero off of the price , and I'd seriously consider it ( lol ) ; then I pointed to the car's headlights and said that everything behind them needed to be restored !