
The guy who showed me how to run the unit warned me about that. I had the transmission lower access cover there and I held the hose up as high as I could. I had to turn the part over and reshape the metal a bit. It is minor and I will be able to gently flatten it out before re-installing it later on. The rest of the parts were much more solid. The very rusted windage tray that I bought from a FABO member looks completely different now...

I just wish it would warm up enough to be able to paint. We had icicles on the garage the day before yesterday and everyone was heavily bundled up for my daughter's soccer game last night because it was hovering around the freezing point. That sucks.

By next Friday, it is supposed to be ~65F. I need a more temperate climate...

Be very careful if you blast any sheet metal body parts it can warp them.
