She's LUMP! Restore or Part/Scrap? FABO Help!

keep a eye on your toys, I had a guy call me about some parts, and a week later I caught the bastard trying to break in my garage,:angry7: the sumbitch thought I'd be in bed at 5 am instead of coming home from work, I did a little anger management on his face then for good measure I introduced my knee to his jewels, I don't think he'll be back:-D


5AM? Boy he would REALLY been surprised entering my property at 5AM. I already woke at 3:30, was at Dunkin at 4am, back by 4:15 or so, Dogs let out into property (1-145lb Rottie and a 30lb+ Beagle) while I'm reading FABO and drinking DD coffee in the house at 5!!
My Beagle would have tore him a new one!!:cheers:
Usually that time of day if I'm not already in garage I'd hear the dogs ruckus and run out with maglight and pistol in hand!!

He was lucky you were so nice to him!
Next time you see him at your neighbors down the street, on the way home from work, stop and give him a "Work Boot" express to the jewels from me too!!:cheers:

When younger in the AF and living off base, I was laying in bed, had changed to day shift for some weird reason, and heard the Ah-oo-gah horn on my custom van barley give a quick Ah! (early 80's)
I layed there and thought, that sounded like my van, I got up and opened front door to see the other side of my van the drivers door open, and 1 of my huge 75lb home speaker boxes exiting the van! (They hit the horn button barley cause the speaks were so big, HAHA!!) I run back in (only had underware on nothing else) grabbed my 12ga single shot (closest to door, wish I'd grabbed my 410 mossberg pistol grip, it had more than 1 shot but I didn't) and ran out of the house, round the back of my van and saw 2 guys barley fast heaving those huge speakers about 75 feet in front of me.
My bare feet were slapping the blacktop so hard and loud they turned (I would have shot already but I didn't want to hurt my speakers and I only had 1 shot) when they turned they saw almost naked me, running behind them silent but slapping bare feet and a huge a$$ shotgun, and they threw my speaks into the air 1 on each side of street with a loud thud thud!! CRAP! Oh you gonna be sorry you did that! They turned right down the next street and into neighbors yard, through and into my other neighbors yard (2 fences jumped, 1 big snarling dog avoided.)
When I finally stopped The whole hood was up. I was neeling in my nextdoor neighbors driveway, on all 4's, pukin, in my tighty whities, with a big a$$ shotgun still in 1 hand!!!
What's goin on?
Call the cops, we been robbed!!

They said I should have took the shot, drug back speaks and hoods to propertyline, then call em!!! :cheers:

You need to set up some game cameras or something, motion detector lighting??!!!:read2: