7th Annual SCC Car Show

Congrats ABB and BOF!:cheers:

That GTX is HOT! More inspiration for my other build.=P~

I'm glad he won. He has owned the car sense it was new. Year before last he went to this show and suffered stroke soon after. Hasn't been to a car show in a couple of years, and he was finally well enough to "try to make it out."
I told him I thought his car would win best mopar and good luck. I thought my friend with the green swinger next to us would win best mopar and told him that a couple times too! LOL!!
He kinda looked a little disappointed that the GTX won because of many flaws showing from years used, but he didn't know the whole story.....
I'm glad the GTX got it! I liked that older gentleman, he was pretty cool and really loved his car!
6 or 7 Mopars, GTX best one, BOF/ABB & my friends green Swinger pulled 2 of the "TOP 25"! Not bad, 1/2 of the MOPARS pulled awards.
Make that 1/2 + 1!! I won $25.00 Walmart Card door prise!!! (I always look through the envelopes first before the buckets with sponges!!)
I'm thinking $25 worth of $2.27 a quart 20-50!!
I'm still trying to figure out how BOF & ABB pulled that off. After waking I, cleaned engine compartment, went to get gas, bought a new air filter, stopped and was off the car real fast, spot free rince no dry!!! On to the show. When we pop BOF's hood, it was hiddeous!! Mud from when it was pressure washed on inner fenders, all engine paint and hoses faded. What were we going to do??
I don't know but we should close your hood, I'm embarrassed to have it here, the tires still have mudd stains on them!!
Give me that new can of tire foam......
Sprayed whole engine bay and wiped with 2 armerall rags. Then too a towel over the chrome valve covers. That was it other than ABB vacuming and cleaning glass on friday!!
I still don't get it but I like it!!!
Baby wasn't ready, torn seats and such......She'll be ready next year!! Still my main goal was to have the Junk Yard princess bump a few of the show princesses, but I still don't know how we did it!!!! BOF/ABB team 2 years running!!!

And Hey, maybe someday ABB will let me put the trophy up in the "AUTO" office in the house! LMBO!!!:toothy10: