63 Valiant 68 Valiant Parts

:angry7:I'm getting very tired of 2 types of people replying to ads.
1) Folks who act like I have a postage meter in my garage or a hotline to UPS/FEDEX/USPS and want all shipping rates in an hour or less. I sell parts as an idividual, not as a business. I have a life other than this forum too.
2) People I take the time and trouble to send photos, shipping information and measurements to, then are never heard from again. And can't even asnswer emails even if it's to decline purchases.
I know times are tough and money is tight, but it's only common courtesy.
If you can't afford things, I understand, just don't leave the seller hanging. I try my best to reply to buyers in a timely fashion as well.
Sorry for the grinching.
Alan Hynes