Harmonic pulsation / Vibration?????????

then you have not looked!

magnaflow exhaust drone - Google Search

you are segregating the words vibration and harmonic....same same in this app.

No, I looked.....I didnt see anyone posting ny posts saying "I have a vibration that shakes the car/steering wheel/seat and when I changed my exhaust it went away !"

"Drones" went away or were changed.

I see lots of people talking about an audible drone or "resonance"....every time I have ever seen or heard the word "drone" it is referring to an AUDIBLE sound/noise/vibration (the "one constant note" defintion in wikipedia)...not a PHYSICAL vibration felt in the steering wheel etc.

I am segregating the two words because they are separate in how I am using them.

Can "vibration" be used to describe a sound? Yes.

Can "vibration" be used to describe a physical feeling? Yes.

Can it be both? Yes

In my case, I have the physical vibration but no sound. To get a vibration as big as I am feeling, there should be major sound if they are married together.

Can "drone" be used to describe a physical feeling? No where I have looked....many definitions of drone, but "a physical feeling or physical vibration" isnt one of them.

Harmonic can be used to describe either a sound or a physical vibration as well....the word refers more to "a wave" than "a sound" or "a feeling". A sound wave can be felt and heard, true.

But can a series of sound waves be "bad" enough to cause the whole chassis of a car to shake/shimmy?

I still say no.

Is there a "drone" ? Yes. An audio drone. Audio is vibration, true. But in a different definition than we are using to describe the symptoms.

Trust me, I would love to believe my issue is "just" the exhaust.

But I dont think that my vibration nor the OP's vibration as he described it is caused by this.

An easy test I guess would be to unbolt the exhaust, put a short length of pipe and muffler on each side and go for a ride.....any harmonics would then change.