Anyone a Heat Press or sreen printer

I did not know a thing about this kind of stuff and the different way's to go about it till know :thumbrig:
MeMikeJr. has worked for a press company"small in house" on the side If remember right :-k.
Mike has his foot in the door with Schools being that he has been a teacher/couch/referee and a good reputation in all walks of life.
A good product would be a must and never take on a job for some one wanting something cheep and low quality 8) Then when some one seen one they would wonder or ask Who made your T-Shirts know what I mean :bball:
Do it the right way This way the only shirts you make are seen and look and feel the best :thumbrig::walk:
Looks like there is some good new info here.

I learned more about screening then I ever knew just reading this thread so Thank you for jumping in :-D