Headlight help

It's a line voltage spike that did a job on your low beam filaments -- the glob of molten tungsten at the end of the filament support is the giveaway. Sounds like your voltage regulation is not what it should be. Are you running relays in a setup anything like this? Or just running your H4 conversions on the stock wiring?

Those are Philips Xtreme Power H4s -- the best standard-wattage H4 bulb made. But they, like any other bulb, will not withstand a high line voltage spike.

Stock wiring- but I did contact Daniel and he sent me the info on the correct relay kit I need, I have not ordered it yet.
Is this the only way to correct the voltage regulation?

Those bulbs are something else, it was like driving in daylight on the way home with the high beams on. They are not easy to locate though, I had to get them from e-Bay.

I can get another type of bulb from NAPA tomorrow, but am I just wasting my money until I correct the voltage issue? (not really knowing what that is).

I threw away my other headlights as I could not ever see going back, but I was supposed to take a trip Saturday and I might need headlights.