FABO Member Deserves a New RIDE!!!!! HELP NEEDED!!!

Hello all. You all remember Memike's A-body story and how we all came together to get him Victoria. Awesome story right, well another member (JohnnyDart) and I have come up with a plan to get a car for a fellow FABO member who lost his ride last year in a terrible drunk driving accident. It was a beautiful car and everyone at the local cars shows loved it. It was his pride and joy. I'm sure many of you are familiar with his story.


We are trying to keep this quiet and we already have $500 pledged towards a clean 1970 Plymouth Duster donor car to replace the body of the one that was lost. The goal is $1500.00 for the car and we would like to present it to him once we have reached our goal.

You can PM me and I will give you the details for making a donation. PayPal is the easiest and most secure.

Thank you FABO members for your generosity.:cheers:

For instant donations via PayPal I have an account setup

Send any donations to [email protected]

Please mark them as a "personal gift" on PayPal to avoid fees.