Is this for real?

In my opinion, here is simple proof that its not real.

Did you ever watch a large Iron-Man competition? There are hundreds of highly trained athletes, running full speed into the water. They are not doing it for fun, they are doing it for competition. They are running at full speed. They are wearing all types of waterproof footwear. There are many such races going on all over the world, on a regular basis. Yet in all the Iron-Man races, no one has ever discovered this amazing feat, either as a participant, an observer, or a news team.

There are millions of people running into the water at thousands of beaches all over the world, and they have been doing so since before recorded history began. Some wear footwear, some dont. Some run as fast as they can. Some run straight in, some run at angles. Yet, with all the people doing, watching, and recording, no one has ever seen this seemingly simple feat be performed.


Because it cant be done.

I rest my case, your honor.

I here that. If it was as easy as they make it look in the vid, every one would be doing it.