Mopar Englishtown. Pics

Our track owner has found a way to get people in the stands. FREE TICKETS!
We just had an event called "Throw down in T-Town" here in Tulsa. Its a Pro-mod event with 2 other classes + bracket racers. The only catch, $10.00 per car load & no ice chests.
He parked 1700 cars for Friday's T-N-T, thats $17,000.00! Now he has them in, & they are thirsty, $3.00 beer.
I don't know what the count was for the actual event on Saturday, but all the stands were full, & nobody could wipe the smile off the track owners face.
It was fun having the stands packed while bracket racing.
The track owner gives all the points bracket racers free tickets to hand out to the regular B/R events. He knows they are going buy something while they are there.
So far its working.