340 not running anymore...Help Please?

Airplane gears? I googled and found this airplane dog, but no airplane gears.....

Hehe.... but, seriously..... I can order the spring kit. It seems like a good idea since I don't have much faith in the way the past owners set this car up. I would like to know more about the different gears you are talking about so I can make an educated decision on my spring selection. Thanks

LMAO! Well, I've been around on this earth for well over 40 years and never heard of "airplane gears". Wags, can you explain?

Shedevil, I like your style and it sounds as if you are on the right track. I'm thinking that Wags meant to say either "Low Numerically" or "High Mechanicaly" as cars that cannot rev quickly will bog if the Vacuum Secondary spring is too light. In other words, if the secondaries open before the engine can draw enough air through the venturi to pull fuel, it will experience a lean bog. Start with the strongest spring in the kit and work your way lighter till it gags when flooring it from a dead stop.

Holley has a wealth of info on website that makes great bedtime reading. http://www.holley.com/TechService/ Bone up on your carb skills there.

I also want to congratulate you on such an intelligent and composed thread. You'll do well in life and I wish you luck. Now, I am going to steal that picture for use sometime in the near future. :clock: