Engine paint for early A

Another vote for the Mopar red. Back in the early seventies I tried to find genuine Chrysler red engine paint in spray cans so I could repaint the valve covers on my car as they were peeling. I went to the parts house and bought a can that was supposed to be correct. I painted my valve covers and they didn't come close to the rest of the engine. Paint stripper applied and off to another parts house. This time I tested a sample. Still too light. After I had purchased and tried every version of Mopar engine red in town I decided to just spray out a sample of each and see which matched closest. Lo and behold there was one that was almost perfect. When I looked to see which can it was I discovered I had accidently used my Dad's International Harvester Red for his B Farmall! So I mixed up a small batch of his tractor paint for the paint gun and the valve covers matched and looked new in no time.