Car pulls to left when braking

could be any thing. check everything starting witht he easiest first. the adjustment. could also be the wheels cyl. or the rubber brake hose.

whatever you do get them right, its a major safety concern no matter how slight it pulls. i know a guy that his car always pulled to one side and he had to panic stop one day because someone pulled out in front of him, well it pulled so hard in the panic stop that the wheel was ripped from his hand and the car turned right into a pole. totaled the car and hurt a couple passengers. lucky none were killed. he knew they pulled slightly when stopping and pulled a little harder when on them hard but never expected it to do what it did. he was driving a long time with it pulling like that. was never too bad. under a normal stop it was easily controlled. once he really had to slam them on it was all over with. brakes is no area to mess around with.