Car Title Run Around !! Grrr

Ok... so how is it I hear of all kinds of people able to obtain car titles for abandoned and lost title cars ? Maybe its just Idaho but I am sure getting the run around on my Demon. This car is legit. However, the previously registered owner passed away in 1985. I cannot find any known family members to talk to on it. The car was last registered in 1989 in Carson City, Nevada. I have been on the phone with their title research guy. He is helpful up to a point. He cant legally tell me the last name on the registration, but did inform me to contact next of kin. Hmmm... must be him that had it registered then ?? Assume ? Still no good... dont know who next of kin is.
Gave up in Nevada. Started working angles here in Idaho with the local DMV. What a bunch of morons. Basically telling me they cant do anything and I need to contact Carson City. Duh.... I tell them I have. So they tell me I need to get a local Sherrif to do a vin inspection. What for ? I guess to see if its a stolen car. As it is not a stolen car, that seems moot except for they might need the report at the DMV. I call the Sherrifs office and inquire. They call it a abandoned car and can and most likely will take the car. Uh... thats not the plan. Ixnay that ! I found some info on obtaining a "Bonded" car title which sound like the way I might have to go...Does anyone live in a State where they have had a "bonded" car title ?? This car has been sitting in a field for over 20 years and no one has cared a bit about it. Its not listed anywhere as a stolen car. I have the dead guys name who owned it... he obviously isnt coming back to get it... sheesh.... anyone have any ideas? Bonded car title ?? anything ?