how to use bondo

why do you want to fill factory holes that are UNDER the dash pad where they will not be seen anyhow?

If you want to make something look better than it currently does and you are not experienced with body work than it is probably best to let someone who knows what they are doing do it for the mean time you need to practice.

body work is not something that you can pick up over night and automatically make look good....there is a lot of tricks to the trade.

if you want to fill dash metal the right will need tin and a welder and weld in new metal to fill the holes ,grind your welds off,mix up your bondo and spread it out,depending on how much bondo you use you may need to grate it down before you can start sanding.

you need to know what steps to use certain grits of sand paper and you need to know how much hardener to use in bondo and at what temperatures the bondo reacts slower and faster too and the time period you have to start tooling the bondo before it gets so hard that it becomes very labor intensive.

or as mentioned you can use fiberglass,or "tiger hair" which is a bondo like mix but with fiberglass fibers ....duraglass.

tons of ways to go about it....first practice on some things before you commit to doing something like that first .