Car Title Run Around !! Grrr

DusterDude72 is correct TR205

I have done this twice here in MI, very easy and fast! You do need the name of the person whom you purchased the car from though.

It does not have to be the name of the last registered owner though....I can tell you that.

The deal with mine was...I bought the duster from a kid....he said he couldnt find the title and would have to apply for a lost title.....I said ok, I will take the duster and give you half the money now and when you give me the title i will give you the other half.

well....a week went by and he wouldn't answer phone calls or nothing....another week went by and the same deal.

I finally find out that he had bought the car from a guy/friend awhile back and he never received the title from that guy.

anyways...long story short I used the name of the kid I got the car from as the name of the person I purchased it from on the form and all went smoothly.

Normally I don't screw around with a car that has title issues but this was a 72 duster which is hard to come by around here and was very solid for only $500.00 lol....So I jumped on it