New Title Help & Opinon's

Need some help and opinion's on how to get a car i bought home or legal so I can try and drive it back.
I bought a car in arizona but the thing is I live in north carolina. Im in arizona trying to get the car road worthy and legal.
I sent the title back to north carolina to have it notarized. Had someone promise to notarize it but they won't do it now.
The thing is I signed the title and sent it home to have it taken care of.
I can't afford to fly back to take care of. Now I can't get a tag for it.

Does any fabo member have any ideas or tips.

By the way any one want to buy a 1974 Dart 4 Door, 318, auto, ps, pb and air condition. So I can get this car home.
Have pics in project thread and a for sale thread. Car located in Garner, Nc.