It's baaaack! HELP

I honestly don't know that it's the ign switch, or I'da changed it months ago.
At one point last fall, I wired my ignition box right to the battery. It ran for quite awhile and just when I though I had it narrowed down, it died.

One 12V wire, right to the ignition and it still died. Disconnected the tach along time ago.
To get restarted it's not a wiggle the key thing, it must be shut off...then it will restart.

I'm gonna dig around a bit tomorrow. Maybe check the volmeter connections.

Seems to me though, if your running right to the battery and it still dies, It can't be the ign switch.......or could it?
The boys at Accel checked my box and they say that something is surging, shorting, etc...causing the box to shut down, requiring a power off to re-set it. The key is, what the heck is shorting or whatever?

Gotta figure it out soon.