my $400 ebay impulse buy. lol

A small little update, I am getting a few cool parts for the wagon this week. Included is a tuff wheel and adapter. I also got a drivers sports mirror, now I need to find a pass side. I may have a very nice rally gauge cluster for it. But best of all, I should have most the money to get at least the wheels by the end of the month. Heres what I decided to go with.
Anyone know what back spacing I should go with?

Also, Ross, I am trying to get the cam, just haven't been able to get to where its at. Will try to get it this week.

I want to say thanks again to all the members that have helped me with this car thus far.
res1vw21-Ross, Badart-John, Waggin-Curtis, convertriple 73-Mr.Bill, and anyone else that has helped so far. I also want to thank a few local guys that have helped a ton, Neil and Bert. Also, Ross, tell your boss thanks too.