What is this car worth?

First let me say.....someone did a piss poor job at under coating it.....I can see rust coming through the under coating already, weather stripping in the trunk looks junk, none of the body lines look like they line up,hood looks slightly tweaked,trunk lid/bumper look slightly tweaked,hard telling by pictures but i think I see a slight wave or two in the body like there is some bondo in there,interior door panels look wavey, the guy obviously has no personally attachment/pride in the car because the carpets look like someone put there muddy feet on them......this is not even mentioning the other things these guys have mentioned were problem areas.

I would NOT spend 9K on it...that for dang sure!.

ever heard of the term perfume on a pig? well thats what I am going to say this is.

looks like was earlier mention, like someone hurried up and did a quick spiffing up/cover up job to get a quick sale.

just a month or so ago I watch here on fabo ground up restored duster sell for $8,000.00 I think it was and it was spotless!.

Do NOT settle for this car.....I can garuntee you that you will find better for that kind of money or for less.....I would say you could find something comparable to that dart for around $5,000.00 easy enough.

pass on it and keep looking,keep your eyes here on fabo and I am sure you will find a much better deal in no time at all!