My 70 Dart

The welder is the Easy Mig-100 from Harbor Freight. The only heat adjustment is high or low. I can control the wire speed, but thats it. And .30 flux core wire. Clean well before paint. Done that with the primer and good adhesion. I am going to try holding the tip closer to the metal tonight. I have gotten a few welds that are perfect looking. Flat on top, no splatters or burn through, and very round with a little metal underneath. And yes, I am tacking only, this thing can not lay a bead for long, about 1 to 2 minutes before you have to stop for something like 8 minutes. Made to tack only. The metal I'm practicing with is 20 gauge, I hope that is the same as the car. It seems to be real close. The welder owner worked at American motors, retired from there, as a welder. He is the one who says to hold it closer. Plus I know I have to space the tacks out, at least one inch, to prevent warping. I DO NOT need to rush this! A few tacks then let it cool off. Then tack some more. More later. Thanks!