Dougs 67 Notch build

Had a good few days. Got all the suspension out of the Barracuda. Now I will strip the firewall and get the engine compartment ready for body color paint. Meanwhile my engine builder is going on the engine. Now I will be sandblasting and beadblasting the suspension parts for powdercoat and paint. Having fun, working on it a little bit at a time. Have to order a bunch more parts this coming week. Had a minor crisis with the single groove keeper and the 2 groove keeper. Had do reorder 8 sets of each as the new exhaust valves were single groove and I changed to 10 Deg retainers and keepers. Be posting painted parts next I guess----------- Hope all is well with you Mopar builders out there-------
Warmest Regards, Rat:-D

5-22 Susp1.jpg

5-22 Susp2.jpg

