Member in need auction/sale

I'll add 40$ more to my bid, for a total of 80$ and shipping costs. comon yall bid this puppie nice piece and some excellent powder coating from the wonderfully talented leanna at phoenix powder coating (cudachick1968) offers the epitome of excellence. and workmanship and the decal to go with it......
Leanna, According to bargeahead's original offer, HE is springing for the cost of powder coating this air cleaner so I think folks need to base their bid on what they would pay for a powder coated air cleaner. I think if you gave a rough estimate of what the cost would be to powder coat it, the bidders would know where to start their bids ( value of powder coating plus the value of the air cleaner core) Then to sweeten the deal, I am going to donate the "decal" to the winning bidder. I can send it to you to stick it on or I could send it to the winner.