Ron's 70 Dart Swinger

Thanks everyone, Bruce i enjoyed reading your thread.

So as i said my first priority is getting the body straight and painted since everything else has to be done after so that's where i'll start. I plan on doing most if not all the body work myself. There is a lot of it so hopefully i will be pretty good at it by the time i'm done. I' have a nice set of hammers and dollies on the way, got a stud gun and plenty of tools to strip the paint. I found an article a long time ago in Car Craft that showed how to fill trim holes with lead so i've been practicing that on my drivers door which i will be replacing anyway. I sprayed a little primer on when i was done to protect it and so i could see any imperfections. The first one came out pretty good but the second one was better. I can still see a very faint outline of the hole but i'm probably just being anal. The last picture is of the backside showing what happens if you don't have the right aluminum tape to back up the lead. Foil and regular tape don't work as you can see in the one further away. I found the right tape at Home Depot near the ducting.



