Small thing that irratates you about your car

Well, after 10 years or so now I still can't figure out where the trans is leaking on my GTX. I've changed the pan twice, gaskets, o-rings, lines...everything. Thought I had it fixed, raced it and beat the crap out of it at the Nats a couple years ago, no leaks. Get it home, back it off the trailer, come out the next day...puddle!!! ARRGGGHHH!! I banished it to the back of the shop and just got it out this spring, maybe that'll show it!!!

As for the 66, it's the taillight configuration. My lower red lenses burn bright like a brake light, the turn and brake are actually the top lense and they burn weak. Already changed the complete back harness, it helped the brake light problem I was having but did not fix the weak burn of the main light.

It's easy to pick apart "Sunfish", but for all it's flaws, it is just enjoyable to have. I guess the biggest craw is the spraybomb paint job under the hood, done with John Deere tractor green or something close to that. We got the car from the original owner, so I wonder who bombed the engine bay???HMMM!!!

It's easy to overlook any flaw as long as they're still giving my family enjoyment, and they never fail to provide!! Thanks Ma, for makin' cars that we could love so much!!! Geof