One good guy alert that you MUST read!!!

Ok everyone let me start by saying.....I have had a rough few weeks with things being stolen from my home,my little one has been feeling cruddy lately,I ran out of cash to work on my duster and I am in need of a few parts before I can move forward on some of the labor aspects of the car.

so long story short things have been up and down but mostly down lately.

I had a wanted thread up for a aftermarket shifter because I couldnt go forward with restoring my interior until I finished converting my column into a manual column and getting a floor shifter.

I was offered a couple shifters but one in particular I liked....

WELL SUPERDART340 sent me a few pm's and let me know he was going to purchase the shifter for me and pay to have it shipped to me!!!!!!!!

I couldnt believe was such a kind offer and it means more to me than he could ever know.

He even said not to worry about it and to pay him back when and if I could....( which of course I will be paying him back)....but its just the fact that he was selfless enough to want to give help where help was needed and without any underlined reasoning behind doing so that just amazing me.

THIS is EXACTLY what sets FABO apart from ANY other website.

It really is a large group of friends that are there for you when you need them,that care for oyu,that can make you laugh and that can make a really bad day turn into a great day!.

I can't say enough how appreciative I am of you Bob and I want EVERYONE here on FABO to know just what a stand up guy Bob is!.

Bob (Superdart340) has for sale threads up with parts for sale ....he is trying to come up with money to put paint on his ride (yes he made this kind offer to me even while he has his own things he could have spent his money on) what I ask of FABO is that everyone check out his listings and please look into buying something from him and show thanks for him being such a great guy!!!

He has good karma coming his way and he deserves it! so come on fabo ...everyone band togeather and lets get paint on Bobs car!!!

Thanks again bob,words do not do justice to the way I feel about what you are doing for me!

and thank you all of FABO for being you!