340 not running anymore...Help Please?

Things aren't progressing very well. To start, I could swear the old gaskets were attached with super glue and cleaning was a bear! Then I got to the installation of the power valve and found that 3/8" inch pound torque wrench + 1/2" 1" socket= back to the store..... AArrrgghhh!!!!
Ok, so everything's clean, got the power valve installed and torqued to spec, primary side looking good....then there's the secondary side.
In the Holley book, page 116, the instructions are very simple. They state, "When reinstalling the secondary metering plate, first the contoured gasket is placed on the plate surface, then the thin metal plate is placed on top of the contoured gasket"...... ok, thin metal plate....where is the thin metal plate? I didn't remove a thin metal plate, there's no thin metal plate in my rebuild kit.... Why don't I have a thin metal plate?
So, is my carb supposed to have a secondary metering body plate?? If so, why doesn't mine have one?!?!?

Not having the carb in front of me I couldn't say if it supposed to have one or not however from what it sounds like YOU have a Holley book in front of you and the carb, Are there not complete breakdown pictures of the carbs.???? To be able to tell you if it's missing something. How about posting pictures?