Need some pushrod help

fastbackcuda said
Mikel a pushrod that is too long can hang the valves open.

And what would that do to the motor?

fastbackcuda said
CompCams should have sent you a checking pushrod that was ball/cup..

They sent me what I ordered, which was this one:


It doesn't look like they make with with a cup.

fastbackcuda said
If your currant pushrods are too long why not use some shims inder the rocker shafts ?

I'd rather just use the correct length pushrods.

Do you have adjustable rocker's?

Yes, I have the Crane gold rockers. A few of the adjusters started going south on me, that's what started this whole mess. Crane sent me a new batch of adjusting screws & nuts, then I found that some of the rockers were banged up. Crane sent me some replacements, when I put it all together I found that the adjusting screws don't poke out under the rocker enough. There's supposed to be 2-4 threads showing, I've got none - and about 1/8" until any will poke out, so these pushrods are WAY too long.

I changed the heads a few months ago... I knew these heads were milled, but I didn't know how much. Now I'm guessing that it was quite a bit, since the pushrods were find with the old heads.