Kinda goes with fave MOPAR Magazines...

When I was in high school (many years ago) the school had a file system of some sort that you could look up articles that were printed in magazines. I can't remember the details now but it consisted of cards that were stored in drawers in a big filing cabinet system. Subjects were listed by alphabetical order and the cards listed the name of the magazines and the dates of the issues that articles on a particular subject appeared in. It was a fairly comprehensive system and I remember using it quite a bit when I was doing research. I don't know how often it was updated or where the school purchased it or even the name of the system. I find it hard to believe in the 'information age' we now live in that there isn't something similar you could access on the web. Sounds like you are making progress on your own system, though. And, if I'm smart enough to use it I might be interested in your program.

I might be able to help out with the console bracket locations. I have a floor section with the brackets I cut out of a '69. If I can remember to take a couple of pics I'll post them for you.

I'm not that great of a welder but I can do decent with a wire feed so you should be able to also.

I sympathise with you concerning your Mom. Mine is 81 and has dementia. She stayed at home alone for 6 months after my Dad passed away in Oct. '08. I couldn't get her to leave the house even though she couldn't really take care of herself. So I was going over there 2-3 times a day to check on her, fixing her meals, etc. Hard to do that and run a business, too. My sister finally convinced her to come for a 'visit' and she finally decided she couldn't take care of herself. We listed the farm and sold it before we were prepared to have an estate sale so now there's a 60+ year accumulation of my parent's stuff in my nice 40'x72' garage.
