Cool Valiant

Hi folks,

Got a '75 Valiant 4dr /6, daily driver; factory a/c - big rad and fan with shroud. Timed to 0 TDC @700rpm and runs like a top.

Here's the thing. It runs steady at 140 deg F. That was great in the 95 deg F of summer. But since I'm on LI, NY, maybe not so good for 20 deg F winter weather. Even now, while it's 45 deg F out, the heater makes only warm air, so it's not a temp sensor pblm. The AF is full in the rad.

The last /6 I had was a '75 Dart Sport. It only had a rad about 2/3 as large as this one and no shroud and a smaller fan, and it still did not nearly overheat.

But is car here is all factory. You folks have any idea what I might do - besides placing cardboard over the rad?

I was thinking a new hotter thermostat, but I'd hate to do that for nothing, and I can't see that doing much good. Any thoughts?

Thanks and best regards,