Anyone Know of Online Engine Dyno Software so I Can Test a Few Combos?

I just had my stroker built and the desktop dyno was dead accurate on hp but torque was off by 20 ft,lbs. I did not have my heads flowed but I sent an E-mail to Ryan at Shady Dell about ported "J" head flow and simply used his figures along with other published air flow figures and came up with an average and plugged them in.

Wow! That's amazing to be that close. I've seen magazine articles tout the accuracy of Desktop Dyno but then again I've seen posts by guys that said they built something and it was way off.

Last week I took my heads up to have them flowed and the guy that did it has a professional dyno program from Comp Cams he said cost him $3,000 and he ran the numbers on my combo. I came home and input the flow numbers and cam specs and it came out within 5 hp of what his program said but torque showed higher than his by about 15 ft. lbs.