how much do you gain with 202s over 188S?

Well,I like when you think outloud, Ha ha ha. Good thoughts and notes. I agree. Mostly, here on the net, alot of this tech talk is splitting hairs and making mountains outta mole hills on the small things that mater little on a street ride.

I like the mention of valve size to engine CID and RPM ability(s). Combined with the engines "Intended purpose(s)" it's not to difficult in most cases to figure out a decent set up, though, theres allways a critic in the crowd.

Also, when most question appear here on the net, there very general and lack info. SUCH GENERAL QUESTIONS GET GENERAL REPLIES, LACK OF INFO LEEDS TO POTENTIAL PROBLEMS THAT COULD HAVE BEEN AVOIDED.

Crap! sorry about the caps!

Have a good day at work!