Help me deliver a message to Al Gore

"Since Al Gore left public office in 2000. The most recent worth figure predicted in 2007 by Fast Company was more than $100 million. Before the 2000 election they predicted the family's net worth was closer to $1 million.

Since then, the Gores have purchased the Montecito mansion, a multimillion-dollar home in Nashville, Tenn., a condo in San Francisco in addition to their home in the Washington area, an Arlington Tudor. They bought a 100-foot houseboat named, aptly, Bio-Solar One in 2008. And they own a farm in Carthage, Tenn., that includes a zinc mine.

So how did they get all this stuff?

Al Gore has parlayed politics and his zeal for talking about global warming into an Academy Award, a Grammy and the Noble Peace Prize in 2007. He is a co-founder of Current TV, brings in six figures for speaking gigs, is a member of the Board of Directors at Apple, Inc. and serves as a senior adviser to Google."

Global Warming is a profit making business, quite obviously! Not a Global Crises! I mean really, whats the point of having all this "stuff" if you truly believe the world is going to end?

Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner folks!

Why? Algore, GE, Goldman-Sachs, and a few others, have invested millions, if not billions in the carbon trading market, waiting for cap and trade. In the name of "climate justice" (the justice being that they continue to get rich while those who can barely afford it pay for it) the idea is to continue to grow richer in the name of "saving the planet." Got news for Al and his cohorts: the planet has survived a lot changes: meteor hits, massive volcano explosions, shifts in the magnetic field, ice ages, natural warming in the past. It will continue to survive.

Algore's version is a get rich quick scheme. The same kind of scheme which landed Bernie Madoff in jail and Ken Lay dead by his own hand.

Genocide in the Jordan. Jihad against the infidels. Blood diamonds in Sierra Leone and the Congo. Jihadists gaining nukes. Too bit communist dictators threatening their neighbors. AIDS running rampant in Afirca. The slave trade still alive and well. Young girls kidnapped into the sex trade. Forced abortion. We're at war and our allies are being threatened with destruction.

F*** the planet. Save the human race.