how do I get my #$%@##$%^% windows clean?

Wow you guys never stop comin.Thanks for all the advice.I may be wrong but my feeling on the wax is that at nightime i might get the distortion from car lights.Although wax leaves a nice protective film i really think it distorts the light.Mullinax I like your ideas.I think your in the business,so I have to consider what you say.8)

Yes sir I am. I talked to the boss today about your situation. He has replaced windshields that have damaged by people trying to remove the water spots. Steel wool seems to be the most popular choice of attack but most damaging as well. My boss said that steel wool damage is mostly because people use it to remove bug residue.

If I understand what you're talking the spots will not come off with any kind of cleaning material. The glass is actually etched is what really is taking place.