New 64 Dart owner

Hello! Well, I did it, I bought my first Mopar. It was sort of by accident as I was looking at a 65 falcon while bidding online at an auction. The falcon went too high for me so I found a little blue dart going the next day. All I had to go by were a few small photos. Well, I lost that auction by $50. A few days later I called the auction house and asked if they knew who bought the car. To make a long story short, I ended up buying if from the high bidder.

Now there's just one problem. The car is 700 miles away in Atlanta GA. This week I tried getting a transport company to pick it up but no takers so far. So today I bought a plane ticket so I'll fly down and drive it back. Should be a fun road trip! Any suggestions before I take off would be appreciated.

Anyway, I just have some photos that were shot by the owner. I can't wait to get the car in my possession. I've already met some great Dart owners over the web and have located a few parts that I need.

I've also been reading this forum to get some ideas of what I want to do with the car. I'm not a big do-it-yourself-er but I want to try with this car. The first thing I'd like to do is the disc brake swap (new or old, power or manual, 4 piston or single, my head is already spinning). I'm sure I'll figure it out with some help.