What is with the new DC corp?

I agree, I was beyond mad when I saw the commercial that they ran the Duster off the road on. They need to build off our herritage not bash it.
Last I checked chevy doesn't have an similar engine (HP to CID) I'm happy to run against and new chevy or ford with my '05. How many A-bodies (Save the big-block and Hemi cars) had the HP of a new Hemi?...none, keep in mind the differant rating systems.
A new truck vs. and old car is not even close to a fair comparison. What they should have used is an old Power Wagon with a 360. You can't compair new to old, the newer engines are smaller, lighter and stock put out more HP (it's now a norm to have a V-6 that puts out over 200HP). The biggest thing our beloved old cars have that the new ones can only dream of are CLASS and PERSONALITY. What kind of commercial do you expect from people who are represented by a guy that goes by Dr. Z. ?
Just my 2cents