Removing nasty old trunk carpet...

So in the process of cleaning my 74 Duster I have to remove the carpet in the trunk. It is just too nasty. Period. No amount of fabreeze or professional grade carpet scrubbing will help this stuff. It's gotta go.

So I began pulling and tugging around the edges. It seems to be more severely glued down as I get nearer to the spare wheel indention in the center. This is some nasty old stuff.

Is there any ancient gluey substance remover that can help me get this nasty carpet out? I don't want to hurt the car underneath by choosing the wrong chemical. I've found a few holes in the trunk due to rust (That's a battle for another day.) So I want to go ahead and get all this junk out of my car so I can see what shape the trunk floor is in.

Otherwise I'll keep going at it with my poor tired fingers and a chisel. :) I think I can manage to get it all out by persistence and patience but I thought I'd ask anyway.
