What is with the new DC corp?

340mopar said
I know this will not be very popular but I laughed my *** off when I saw the ads, because I wasn't always a Mopar guy. When I was a Buick Gran Sport guy we used to call Mopar guys a bunch of knuckle draggers, then I saw the new commercials it reminded me of that whole knuckle dragger thing and made me laugh. Now let's back up the clock a little to the "dukes of hazzard" days. They used to tear up more Mopars (and good ones I might add) than anybody at the time. My Mopar buddies used to drop everything they were doing and go watch the show. This is were I got my idea that Mopar guys were knuckle draggers. The show was about knuckle draggers and only knuckle draggers would like a show that tears up good cars that they were into. O.K so now I am no longer a Buick guy and own at least one Mopar from every decade starting with the 50's to the present. So I am commited to the brand, I like the older cars and Chrysler is the only company that has more than one new vehicle that is exciting to me. The kind of people that are around this brand, like the people on this site are fun and a wealth of knowledge. I look at the commercial in another light, at least Chrysler has a sense of humor. I don't care if people think of me or us as knuckle draggers or whatever. It is satire and if you can't laugh at yourself you are doomed to be miserable. Believe me owning Buick's has gotten me called lots of things also, and I could care less. Those dudes in the commercial may be goofs but they look like they would be loyal friends and would be fun. So laugh dammit it's a joke.


Interesting - a friend of mine used to own a couple of those Buicks, even while being a Mopar guy ... there is a lot to like about them. Tell us, what made you change your preferences?

On another note - I used to occasionally watch the Dukes - and it bothered me that they were breaking cars. But I didn't think much about it until I was older and it was actually publicized how many cars they trashed. They also ruined several Challengers in V.P., and a couple nice cars in Bullet. That was the norm. They break nice new cars now, but won't hurt antiques anymore. The cars need to become rare and expensive before they gain some immunity. It's a shame, but that's the way it is.

Lastly, in response to having a sense of humor ... I see your point, but I don't agree with it, and here is why. I was in the doctor's office a couple weeks ago, and what did I pickup but a copy of a recent issue of some car mag ... don't remember which, but I think it was A***M*B**E - yeah, that rag. Well, there was an article about the author picking up a '71 or '72 Duster (unrestored and out of tune) and joining - or trying to join - some street machine event out west US. He trashed the Duster, suggesting it never had any respect, handled, braked poorly and was barely a perf car even at the time. Then he brought up that DC white Duster commercial and added some witty remark about how even DC never valued the car. So you see, one dump leads to another, and if you go around dumping on your own family, who will respect you or your family?

As far as "knuckle Dragger" ... that's an expression I've never heard before concerning any aspect of automobilia ... sounds like synonym for lazy.