problem with a /6 carb..

I haven't looked at if it is a two or 4..but my guess it is a two. Sarah demonstrated a left turn bog for me when it straightened up..power again. She said it was the same if she turned the other way. We filled up immediately after and it took less than 4 gallons...I think the tank is a 10 or 12 gallon . She has the car now but i can do this tonight..

I really think it is a float issue...I think I need to raise it..a picture would be perfect.

A poor man's carb rebuild wouldn't hurt..who knows what crap is lurking there..

I prefer this over the Italian tune up ..that is when you put the car in nutral and stomp on the gas petal ..and let i run like that for 3 to 4 minutes..never done that..but have watched it..not pretty..

I look fwd to the picture.
