Carb identification

Well I finally was able to take some pictures, so hopefully from these someone can confirm for me what carburetor it is. Thanks!!!

Driver's Side:


Passenger's Side:


We had a problem when we took it out to go and get some exhaust work done on her. I had some issue with the gas pedal, but it hadn't done anything funny before, so I gave a little push and snap. I broke the throttle cable off of the gas pedal. Managed to get it home with a pair of pliers on the throttle cable, and at home I managed to get the throttle cable hooked back up and all seemed fine. I took the air box off the carb to get some pictures and noticed something funny - the throttle plate was just hanging there. I've attached a couple pictures of it, in one of them I'm holding the throttle plate up. Any idea what happened here? Did a spring come off when the throttle cable broke off the gas pedal? What can I do? New throttle cable, or can I luck out with a small spring from a hardware store? If so, where does it go? Any help is MUCH appreciated, we just got insurance back on her and the girlfriend is very upset that she can't take her car out.
