Need some prayers for my Mom

My Mom is 80 and going through some bad stuff now . For about a year she has had a problem with her blood pressure dropping off to a dangerously low level.
Doctors haven't been able to pin point what is causing the problem. About a three weeks ago we had to rush her to emergency and they found a 60% plugged artery.
A stint was put in and she started to feel better, the next night we took her back to emergency with chest pains. She has been in the hospital 4 times since then, Last night she had to take three nitro pills and didn't kill the pain.
She woke my Dad up at 2:30 in the morning and told him she needed to go to the hospital.
Nitro patched and pain killer finally gave her some relief.
They have run so many tests on her it's amazing they can't figure it out.
She's scared and afraid that she has reached the end, so I'm asking if my family here at FABO if you would throw a prayer or well wishes her and the doctors way.

She is back home tonight and is doing okay as long as she doesn't do to much.
Trying to get her to sit down and take it easy is hard, she's always been the type of person that is busy doing something and can't stand just sitting.
Any way cast a little luck her way if you would.
