"Dumb" stuff old farts used to do

Out ran a couple of county mounties on Halloween night during a street race and never knew he was chasing us until we had stopped. There was 3 people in each car. We were all out of the cars shooting the S%#t for a couple of minutes when they showed up. Since one group was sitting on the trunk of my Mustang and the other group was sitting on the hood of the Galaxie they had to ask who was driving. I said I was in the 1969 Mustang and the other driver said he was in the Galaxie. We were all 16 year old kids.

Too make this story short, we were arrested and our cars were impounded. They asked us how fast we were going? Our speedos were buried so we said we don't know. They said their certified speedo clocked 130 and we were leaving them. They neglected to read us our rights and realized it on the way to the cop shop. They ended up calling our parents and giving our cars back that night with no tickets and no towing/impound fees. I sold the Mustang about 6 weeks later and bought a 1972 Gran Torino with a 351 in it. That Gran torino was the biggest piece of good looking s%&t I ever owned. Man I wish I still had that 1969 428CJ Mustang fastback.