#4448308 heads have any potential?

they are a good head, like said the exhaust is better than the older head and is not so touchy when ported.
the intake port flows decent, though it runs out around the 250's, still really good for a production head.
They are a lil thin as they were getting into finding ways to save money by making thinner castings, like the magnum head, so you need to be careful when max porting and increased milling like .040 or better.

for a guy looking for 240's cfm & 180's [easy] cfm flow on the exhaust, they[308's] are the ticket.

I would like to find another set of the old A cyl head mopar used to sell [non ported version], it was 'like, but not identical' to the j head port with out the massive straight wall transition/bump but with a larger then but same shape magnum exhaust port.

I still have a # for a guy with a set of the factory ported 'A' head version advertised at [email protected] lift. He was at spring fling trying sell them.
I tell ya....that factory port job was the ugliest thing I'd ever seen and a testament to who says it has to look pretty to flow [if they really flowed what they said]
it looked like a templet job with alot of un even short turn work, like a couple of grooves ground into the ssr/fsr...and then like someone just let go of the grinder all together.lol

oh and yes it's harder to get it in than it is to push it out..